
  • +/- 1890 The Brenez workshops develop a repairing equipment activity for the porphyry quarries around Lessines.
  • 1954 With no heirs, Mr Brenez’s son sells his business to Ateliers Louis Carton. The workshops become the ALC division of Lessines.
  • 1970 ALC is sold to the Polysius group. Activities are separated and the “Ateliers de Lessines SA” is created as an autonomous entity. Ateliers de Lessines SA remains in the Carton family.
  • 1972 Ateliers de Lessines takes over the milling activities of BOP HAREN – Brussels. This is where the name of our centrifugal mills comes from!
  • 1989 Concentration on the bulk product activity: creation of “Lessines Industries SA”. René Rubbers–Etienne Carton’s son-in-law–takes over the management. The company moves to Tournai.
  • 1993 Lessines Industries takes over the activities of chipper manufacturer Gutba – Switzerland.
  • 2000 Stéphane Rubbers joins the company as an engineer.
  • 2003 Creation of the branch “Lessines Industries France”.
  • 2007 Stéphane Rubbers takes over the management of Lessines Industries SA.
  • 2012 Lessines Industries moves its offices to Peruwelz.
  • 2015 Construction and inauguration of the new pilot and development centre.